Recent content by Van

  1. Van

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    Yes, that's exactly what happened.
  2. Van

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    Yep. I think the Sugarland stage actually held up better to higher loads than this Mexican stage. I the winds might have been higher in Mexico but just overall pressure on the structure did it in. Well and the vid screen flopping around.
  3. Van

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    Derek, the person I was talking to actually used the term 'Jersey Blocks'. I've only ever heard the highway divider thingies called Jersey Barriers. Yes, the point the person I was discussing this with was making is that they just slid across the gravel. Also, apparently the 'ground' in the...
  4. Van

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    Sugarland in Indiana had 2300 pound concrete ballasts sitting on pea gravel.
  5. Van

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    Or if you don't know what the ballast was sitting on.
  6. Van

    Rigging safety help, what's wrong?

    It's hard to see if those are level, lens and angles might be throwing that off. there are couple thing that stand out to me but the most obvious is the placement of that House Right sling. it should be directly below the hoist. I can see that it appear a bit far in so maybe they thought they...
  7. Van

    Fly rail calls

    As JT said above you really shouldn't be yelling commands during a performance but if you are talking about communicating during Loading and Unloading I can suggest a Great resource for you. JR Clancy and Texas scenic / H&H have their Manual Counter-Weight Systems manuals online there is a whole...
  8. Van


    of course, if you label it when you're loading it this whole 'identifying' issue goes right out the widow.
  9. Van

    When to Replace Birdcaging Wire Rope?

    Good that it's a Thern winch. That picture of the Idler/Mule/ whatever, block on the wall looks like the anchors facing the camera are failing and the mount is pulling away from the wall?!? Personally I'd want to see that pulley replaced, have the fleet angles addressed, and the wire rope...
  10. Van

    Replacement for Masonite?

    Better than Masonite.
  11. Van


    OMG The YEARS spent sorting gels because I was the new guy... "The horror, the horror".
  12. Van

    Replacement for Masonite?

    Funny, but when MY dad built his house Og told him to go with Slate siding but no, he has to go with the short-faced bear skins. Man, I spent so much time playing bait for those things....
  13. Van

    Replacement for Masonite?

    Quite a bit better than Masonite.
  14. Van

    Replacement for Masonite?

    Another, great, but more expensive option is 1/4" MDF. It's 49"x109" which makes it great for floor covering as it will overlap plywood seams below it. +'s it'll last for damn near forever. -'s it's a bit heavier, a bit more expensive, it definitely requires counter-sinking.
  15. Van

    Mirroring my computer to 2 different desks on two different floors of the house

    Ah, I was thinking of Windows RDP. I have very little latency, even on my VPN from home. But I don't deal with it in a performance environment.